We present a special project by Irina Zhuiko (Popovich): Minerals in stained-glass windows for the exhibition “Unique Russia”

Russia is rich in its natural resources, minerals, its pristine beauty, the breadth of the soul of Russian people. Unique Russia unites many cultures and peoples. Russia is the cradle of talented artists, poets, musicians, scientists and many other industries. Within the framework of the exhibition Unique Russia, we present to your attention a special… Continue reading We present a special project by Irina Zhuiko (Popovich): Minerals in stained-glass windows for the exhibition “Unique Russia”


Tour of the Art-Industrial Exhibition-Forum “Unique Russia”

Tour of the Art-Industrial Exhibition-Forum “Unique Russia” and Round Table “Temple Builders and Beautifiers of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ – the Main Temple of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”. On February 13, 2021, Moscow teachers (the public association “Altar of the Fatherland” and the Association of Teachers of Orthodox Culture)… Continue reading Tour of the Art-Industrial Exhibition-Forum “Unique Russia”


The Russian Arts Award

My colleagues, The Russian Arts Award was held on the 27th of March at the Moscow House of Artists on Kuznetsky Most. This sign of recognition in the field of Russian art within the framework of the international project “Russian Art Prize” was created and organized at the initiative of the Eurasian Art Union and… Continue reading The Russian Arts Award


In memory of Georgi Vvedenski

15 января 2021 года не стало Георгия Эдишеровича Введенского (1954-2021) – начальника военно-исторического отдела Государственного музея-заповедника “Царское Село”. Ему было шестьдесят шесть лет. Георгий Эдишерович – музейщик и ученый, фанатично преданный своему делу и сфере научных интересов, человек пылкого темперамента. Он очень многое успел: диссертация на тему “Русский военный мундир”, порядка десяти книг, множество статей… Continue reading In memory of Georgi Vvedenski


Press release for the exhibtion “Unique Russia”

190 лет назад, после пандемии , эпидемии холеры в 1831 году при поддержке Министерства финансов Российской империи, в самом центре Москвы, состоялось Торжественное открытие первой в Москве всероссийской мануфактурной выставки. Организуя первый промышленный смотр в Москве, Министерство финансов ставило цель – оказание полезного влияния на промышленное развитие России. В дни работы выставки со своей семьёй побывал Царь Николай I и высоко оценил качество российских изделий. За 19… Continue reading Press release for the exhibtion “Unique Russia”

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English. Welcome.


Example post

  English. Sint sed maiores atque omnis harum. Animi et deleniti ut rem totam dolorum omnis. Est non nemo perspiciatis illum ut doloremque.   Sint sed maiores atque omnis harum. Animi et deleniti ut rem totam dolorum omnis. Est non nemo perspiciatis illum ut doloremque. Sunt magnam sit voluptatem reiciendis est quia tempore quia. Neque… Continue reading Example post


Lorem Ipsumium

English. Vero ex dolorem eos autem. Est necessitatibus magnam et quae. Quod dolores aut voluptatem dolores nulla eos neque. Unde fugiat sed est iste. Ipsa similique error temporibus adipisci ex explicabo repellat sed. Laudantium qui numquam quaerat perferendis consequuntur consequuntur animi.
