Morskaya, Studio

Deutscher Text Beste Künstler Russlands 2020 Studio “Morskaya”

Categorized as Juwelen

Mironov, Olga/Ludmila

Юлия Николаевна Базанова родилась в г. Петропавловске-Камчатском. В 1991 году с отличием закончила художественную школу и поступила в Абрамцевский художественно-промышленный колледж им. В.М. Васнецова. С 2000 года принимает активное участие в создании авторского холодного оружия. Автор многих проектов, получивших самые высокие награды в России и за ее пределами. Член Творческого союза художников ДПИ. Участник крупнейших… Continue reading Mironov, Olga/Ludmila

Categorized as Juwelen

Morsina, Maria

Maria Petrovna Morsina was born in the city of Tula in 1977. She studied at the Tula children’s art school named after V.D. Polenov and vocational school number 25, where she studied wood painting professionally. In 1995 she took up woodcarving, since 2002 she has been engaged in engraving, in 2011 she mastered the scrimshow… Continue reading Morsina, Maria

Kolomijzev, Sergej

Sergey Evgenievich Kolomiytsev was born in Moscow. In 2015, together with O. Senkin, he created the creative studio “Iris”. He was awarded with the medal “For the Glory of the Fatherland”, Chevalier of the Order of the Carl Faberge Memorial Fund. Participant of exhibitions: B. Manezh (2012), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian… Continue reading Kolomijzev, Sergej

Categorized as Kunstwerke